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Core Symptoms

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Moving Mental Wellness Forward

Get your mental health on track with our revolutionary membership plan wellness tracks offering affordable, targeted treatment solutions.

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Open Mind Health membership plan wellness tracks utilize evidence-based approaches to develop lasting solutions. They are customized in collaboration with your provider to get to the "root cause" of your challenges.


1. Complete your assessment phase with an OMH professional


4. Continuing assessment, maintenance,
and support

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2. Collaborate with your provider to design a customized plan incorporating our highly effective tracks

3. Begin your mental wellness track journey


Monthly Open Mind Health memberships typically include four 60-minute face-to-face telehealth sessions as well as between-session availability as therapeutically indicated with your provider.


The Open Mind Health wellness tracks are guided by your life journey and background. Our experienced and empathetic providers work with you to create a holistic roadmap to optimize your mental wellness trajectory.


“I was confused and lost. In an abusive relationship and still grieving for my husband, who was stolen from me after a drunk driver plowed into our car. God, I was in a mess. Stephanie stepped in and helped me find the strength in me to end the relationship and find myself again.”

Wellness Tracks


Planning in the Volatility of Our Times

This track is intended to improve your psychological resilience, while adapting to the challenges of an ever-changing world, including COVID.


  • Get comfortable with the uncomfortable

  • Enhance adaptability and safety

  • Gain compassion for yourself and others

  • Build hope for the future

Stabilizing Symptoms

This track is intended to assess, stabilize, and monitor symptoms ranging from depression, anxiety, and ADHD to anger, trauma and psychosis to the various aspects of our personality that influence our behavior. The therapy track is implemented in conjunction with your medications and other integrative treatments.


  • Decrease/eliminate symptoms

  • Provide health education

  • Improve coping skills and safety planning

  • Manage risk

  • Optimize environmental factors

  • Offer family support and education

Tracks 1 and 2



This track focuses on trauma, loss and grief. Utilizing an inspiring, compassionate, and validating approach, together we address the impacts of complex and cumulative trauma throughout the lifespan and across all environments, including:

  • Integrate your identity

  • Victimization and betrayal

  • Bullying and harassment

  • Oppression and systemic discrimination

  • Acute and complex trauma

  • Aging and life transitions

  • Changes in physical health and abilities 


  • Increase insight

  • Build self-awareness and personal power

  • Enhancing psychological resilience

  • Develop a healthy balance

  • Establish emotional and environmental safety

  • Healing through Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)



This track focuses on improving relationships with yourself and others and developing effective interpersonal communication and behaviors. Intended to help individuals, couples, families, blended families, those struggling in work and personal relationships, and others.


  • Enhance interpersonal trust, intimacy, and reciprocity

  • Build and renegotiate roles and boundaries

  • Resolve high-stakes conflicts through mediation

  • Improve assertive communication and networking 

Tracks 3 and 4

ADHD: Focus & Flourish

This track is intended to help you stay focused and achieve your fullest potential. It addresses functional challenges stemming from ADHD and other co-occurring conditions (e.g., depression, anxiety, addictive behaviors). Valuable strategies and solutions are offered and ADHD is approached from a perspective of strength rather than deficit. A comprehensive recovery plan including skills training, therapy, coaching, and/or medication management is implemented.


  • Learn to be present in the moment and focus on what’s important

  • Develop structure, routines, and healthy relationships 

  • Increase productivity and achieve your fullest potential

  • Discover the environment that allows you to flourish 

  • Reduce maladaptive coping and avoid addiction

  • Eliminate ADHD symptoms (e.g., difficulties with time management)

Integrative Healing for Your Mind-Body-Spirit 

This track is healing oriented and designed to help you restore your body's natural equilibrium, avoiding/limiting medications where possible. Your holistic wellness team includes experts in integrative medicine, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, energy healing, breath work, yoga, and specialists in fitness/nutrition and music therapy.  


  • Improve stress, mood, sleep, memory, energy, and creativity

  • Skin health evaluation and personalized home care plan to help restore homeostasis and allow the skin to heal itself

  • Assess and treat thyroid, hormonal (e.g., estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc.), and biochemical imbalances presenting as mental health disorders

  • Boost your overall health through improved nutrition and a healthy fitness plan

  • Address the overlap of neurologic and mental health symptoms (migraines, seizures, etc.)



This track teaches key ingredients to effectively communicate with a broad range of people in various situations.


  • Learn and master critical communication skills

  • Succeed and thrive in various circumstances

  • Feel at ease and communicate effectively

  • Work toward becoming an influential and inspirational public speaker

  • Improve assertive communication and boundaries 

  • Understand and manage conflict styles

  • Navigate crucial conversations

Realizing Your Full Potential

Thriving, not just surviving!

This track helps recognize/pursue your interests, strengths, and talents in order to realize and express your full authentic self, both personally and professionally.


  • Reveal your interests

  • Confidently step out of your comfort zone

  • Become a more interesting/dynamic/authentic person

  • Integrate your identity

  • Build your brand

  • Use your power for positive purpose

Tracks 5 and 6
ADHD Integrative

Positively Queer

This track focuses on all things from a queer lens, including: the history and legacy of the LGBTQIA+ community, healthy relationships and family dynamics; questioning, transitioning, and coming out; stigma/stereotypes; psychological vulnerabilities/risks, and more.


  • Identity: Gender fluidity and sexual orientation; questioning, transitioning, and coming out; identity formation and integration; self expression, acceptance, and body image

  • Intimacy: Exploring and expressing desire and attraction; varied erotic preferences; and sexual education 

  • Relationships: Defining diverse relationships (friendships,  sexual intimates, open relationships/polyamory, blended families; role models), communication and conflict, and abuse/violence

  • Workplace: Choosing the right fit; compromising without being compromised; advocacy in the workplace; boundaries/safety; conflict and discrimination; reputation and credibility; and promotion and career growth 

  • Adverse experiences: Isolation/overexposure, homophobia, rejection, bullying/harassment, discrimination, targeted violence, shame, self-doubt, masking/overcompensating, depression, anxiety, trauma/violence, substance use, and sexual health and sexual respect

Living While Black in a Race Conscious World

From the perspective of Critical Race Theory, this track is intended to address impact of oppression and systemic racism, while empowering individuals, couples and families to rise above adversity and advance in all domains of life.


  • Oppression & Systemic Racism: Celebrating strengths and understanding the legacy of oppression and subtleties of systemic racism based on critical race theory

  • Inequities: Identifying and tackling educational, employment, societal inequities, and accessibility

  • Relationships: Friendships, dating, same-race/interracial, blended families, family systems, parenting, spirituality and religion, micro-aggressions/discrimination, abuse/violence

  • Workplace: Identity and expression in the workplace; diversity and inclusion; workplace empowerment and advocacy; stereotypes; systemic discrimination, reputation and credibility; and promotion and career growth 

  • Vulnerabilities and Risks: Oppression, shame, humiliation, overcompensating, depression, anxiety, addiction, bullying/harassment, suicide, sexual abuse, infidelity, trauma/violence

Queer and Black
Track 7

Altering Addictions & Becoming Balanced

This track is intended for a variety of addictions such as substances, food, gambling, hypersexual behaviors, smartphone addiction and others. Understand the multifaceted roots of your addiction development and implement a sustainable recovery plan. 


  • Understand the mind-body-soul and behavioral roots of addiction

  • Enhance change readiness

  • Interrupt the cycle of addiction

  • Explore and address the impacts on the family system

  • Build recovery structures and supports

  • Develop relapse prevention plans  

Continuing Assessment, Maintenance, and Support

This track is designed to keep you on track after completing your initial assessment phase and wellness track(s).


This monthly program typically includes one 60-minute face-to-face therapy session and between-session availability as therapeutically indicated with your provider.  


Keeps you on track by providing ongoing support and offering strategies for maintaining your mental wellness over time.

Child and Adolescent Care

We recognize the unique needs of young people under the age of 18 and offer them support and treatment along with their families and loved ones. This specialized therapy track is implemented in collaboration with your physician/psychiatrist to assess and address a range of concerns.


  • Assess developmental milestones and complete language, growth, cognitive, psychosocial and psychosexual needs assessments 

  • Offer family support, behavior education and minimize disruption 

  • Address disordered eating

  • Assess and treat symptoms of Oppositional Defiance Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Anxiety Spectrum Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and more 

  • Understand neurodiversity, first-onset ADHD and first-onset psychosis  

  • Assess and manage substance use, misuse, and abuse 

  • Address the impact of bullying, harrassment, and stigma  

  • Provide education around sexual identity, gender identity including exploration of hormonal and surgical modalities where appropriate  

  • Manage risks of self-injurious behavior, suicidality, and violence 

Sports and Mental Health
Getting and Staying on Track!

This track focuses on helping athletes address issues around sports and learn tools and techniques to improve mental health symptoms including stress, anxiety, depression, burnout, eating disorders, and substance abuse. It helps to embrace strengths and talents to realize and express your full authentic self, both personally and professionally.


  • Combat the stigma and perceived weakness of mental illness

  • Enhance mind-body-spirit coping skills and capitalize on psychological resilience

  • Empower mental well-being to increase confidence, focus, and emotional stability

  • Learn your true priorities – Health first! (mental vs. short- and long-term career risks)  

  • Incorporate mindfulness and practices to help relax, deal with sports-related stress, and make room for reflection on the role that sports plays in your life

  • Address and overcome the negative effects of body image, aging, and loss of identity

  • Develop effective tools for emotional stress due to physical injuries, career transitions, or other life changes that alter the role sports plays in your life

  • Utilize adversity to achieve excellence

  • Address issues affecting an entire team, including sexism, racism, and substance abuse

Empowering Older Adults

This track will help older adults cope with changes in physical and mental health as well as improve their quality of life, identify, and achieve their legacy. 


  • Maintain a strong sense of self and dignity in changing health, functioning, or living circumstances

  • Learn to set boundaries and teach loved ones and caregivers how best to support you

  • Adapt and thrive with chronic illnesses

  • Reduce loneliness, enhance engagement and increase interaction through rewarding relationships and activities

  • Recognize and manage loss and grief

  • Improve coping by reducing mental health symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, addiction, age-related cognitive decline, among others

  • Explore end-of-life planning or medical assistance in dying (MAID)

  • Identify goals that reflect your values and create a plan to integrate them into your daily life

  • Strengthen self-acceptance and self-compassion

  • Improve quality of life, enjoyment, and connection

Asians & Pacific Islanders and Proud

This track is intended to address topics critical to understanding the impacts of oppression, systemic racism, acculturative stress, harmful effects of the model minority myth, and the rise in Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) hate and targeted violence due to COVID-19. Collaboratively, the OMH team supports individuals, families, and couples through empowerment, learning resilience, finding meaning, and improving all domains of life to heal and thrive.


  • Oppression & Systemic Racism: Honoring strengths and understanding the legacy of the model minority myth/oppression and subtleties of systemic racism and its effects on identity, meaning, and sense of self

  • Inequities: Identifying and tackling employment and societal inequities and stereotypes, focused on the effects of limited representation in history, culture, and the media

  • Relationships: Friendships, dating, same race/interracial, blended families, family systems (straddling between traditional Asian values and expectations and societal expectations), parenting, spirituality and religion, microaggressions/discrimination, abuse/targeted violence

  • Workplace: Identity and expression in the workplace; diversity and inclusion; workplace empowerment and advocacy; stereotypes; systemic discrimination, reputation and credibility; and promotion and career growth

  • Vulnerabilities and Risks: Oppression, shame, humiliation, overcompensating, depression, anxiety, addiction, bullying/harassment (AAPI hate), suicide, trauma/violence

Seniors Asians
Child and Sports

South East Asian – Building Positivity

This track offers support and treatment to people of South Asian descent, which includes people from India, Pakistan, and surrounding regions. It focuses on collaboration with you and your family members to address a range of concerns, such as coping with language and cultural barriers, which can cause feelings of isolation, depression, anxiety, and more. It will teach a new approach through mind positivity and confidence-building tools, culture and family integration, and linguistic support to assist individuals and their families to thrive in their environment.


  • Decrease/eliminate mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and feelings of isolation

  • Improve relationships 

  • Replace shame with honor

  • Confront generational issues and conflicts including family, personal, work, and community relationships

  • Help to cope with language and cultural barriers

  • Offer language-speaking assistance

  • Help to build self-confidence

  • Embrace cultural identity to feel more "at home”

  • Assist with understanding and navigating “west” and “east” mindsets

Bringing Purpose, Positivity, and Productivity to the Workplace

This track addresses challenges in and out of the workplace, including health concerns, burnout, work/life balance, stress, and trauma. We help to optimize your emotional well-being, realize your full potential, and recalibrate to find new meaning and purpose.

Advancing Hispanic/Latinx Resilience

This track is intended to offer support and treatment to people and families who identify as Hispanic and Latinx. We recognize the unique challenges and needs of this exceptional culture and we offer individualized mind-body-spirit holistic care that in results positive, lasting outcomes. 

  • Assistance with adapting to immigration and acculturation stressors and trauma

  • Reduce the impact of stigma within the culture and the larger society

  • Eradicate the effects of shame that prevents early intervention and treatment, leaving people untreated and suffering in silence

  • Develop a holistic focus as symptoms are often expressed as physical health issues rather than mental health (somatic)

  • Explore the impact of family disruption and foster the importance of family harmony, tradition, and celebration

  • Expand accessibility to support by identifying and reducing institutional and systemic barriers to help seeking

  • Offer family support, education, and guidance in other generational conflicts

South East Asian
  • What’s your purpose? And how do you live it? 

  • Promote and maintain workplace emotional wellbeing—to thrive not just merely survive! 

  • Explore and optimize your job fit, positivity, purpose, and performance 

  • Build self-awareness and personal power 

  • Enhance psychological resilience 

  • Develop coping strategies for the inevitable challenges in the workplace 

  • Improve assertive communication and networking 

  • Achieve true work-life balance 

  • Establish and maintain healthy boundaries. Know what you are accountable for and enhance your work autonomy, connection, and develop your personal mastery plan 

  • Offer strategies to address workplace stress and trauma, bullying and harassment, discrimination, and inequities  


If you're looking for quality care with lasting results, call 855-550-MIND today!

Monthly Open Mind Health memberships typically include four 60-minute face-to-face telehealth sessions as well as between-session availability as therapeutically indicated with your provider.

Psychiatry membership plans are also available. (Includes prorated pricing over time.) Call 855-550-MIND for more information.

Contact Open Mind Health for variations on treatment plan pricing or for individual session rates. 

We accept insurance.

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