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Empowering Older Adults

This treatment plan will help older adults cope with changes in physical and mental health as well as improve their quality of life in order to identify and achieve their legacy.

Target Outcomes

  • Identify goals that reflect your values and create a plan to integrate them into your daily life

  • Strengthen self-acceptance and self-compassion

  • Improve quality of life, enjoyment, and connection

  • Maintain a strong sense of self and dignity in changing health, functioning, or living circumstances

  • Learn to set boundaries and teach loved ones and caregivers how best to support you

  • Adapt and thrive with chronic illnesses

  • Reduce loneliness, enhance engagement, and increase interaction through rewarding relationships and activities

  • Recognize and manage loss and grief

  • Improve coping by reducing mental health symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, addiction, cognitive decline, among others

  • Explore end-of-life planning

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